

“Wait…Thanksgiving is next week?? I thought it was the last Thursday of the month!” -me, five days ago. (Apparently it’s the fourth Thursday, which is usually also the last Thursday, but not always. Did the pilgrims come up with these rules?) I guess that shows you how far in advance I prepare for this holiday.


This year my sister and I are in charge of the food situation. We’ve been texting recipe ideas back and forth for the past few days, and it sounds like I’m making rolls, green bean casserole, and dessert. Any favorite green bean casserole recipes out there, not involving cans? Having seen the Good Eats episode it was in years ago, I’ve been wanting to make Alton Brown’s recipe ever since. I’m open to other ideas, though!

As for dessert, I was going to make something apple pie-ish, but there’s been a request for pumpkin pie. My solution, obviously, is to please everyone, so our small family is going to have more dessert than we can eat. Isn’t that the spirit of Thanksgiving?

I’ve never actually been in charge of preparing a full meal for a group of people (1000 food blogger points deducted), so it’s not really my place to give advice on the matter. However, here’s a great round-up with tips and recipes from local bloggers!